Friday, August 31, 2012


To Ainsley, on your birthday:

Today you are two, my sweet baby girl.
You frequently give kisses and hugs to your daddy, sister, and well as anything resembling a stuffed animal.
You are fiery, passionate, dramatic, and sweet.
Your favorite foods are spaghetti, french fries, strawberries ("goberries"), and peas. Apparently, chicken is "scary" and green beans hurt you. Your words, not mine.
You talk incessantly. Your daddy and I LOVE this about you. You tell us vivid stories, sing songs, recall your favorite Dora episode, and imitate us in silly voices. You are already quite the showman. My favorite moments in our day are when you catch my eye from across the room, smile mischievously, and say "I love you BIG TIME!"
Daddy can make you laugh like none other. Much to my dismay, you are a "daddy's girl" through and through.
You are a Dora enthusiast.
You sleep in a big girl bed, cuddled up next to Bunny, which is actually a dog.
You always want to wear your purple shoes. Purple is the only color you never mistake.
Coloring is a major hobby for you, sweets. Your favorite is when I let you color with pens. One time I picked you up from Aunt Joanna and Uncle Andi's house and you had drawn all over your tummy with a pen. This has now happened 5 times. Quite the artist, you are.
You LOVE the pool, the park, playing with Paige, Emery Rae, the blanket Grandma made for you, your puppy car, running from Jackson, Charlotte's Web, any Olivia book, your grandparents, shouting, waffles, early morning cuddles, Mommy and Daddy, going to the zoo with your cousins, your playhouse, ringing the doorbell, dancing, and singing The B-I-B-L-E.
You have already lived in three different places. Our apartment, the Tatums, and our new house.
You are loved by SO many people. Most importantly, you are loved by the King. It is my continual prayer that you will come to know Him, whom to know is life eternal.

Happy birthday, my sweet daughter. Let's eat some cake!!!!
