Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home again, home again

When my husband and I were first married, we lived in this TINY studio apartment. The romance of all seemed to wear off pretty quickly when we had our first married fight about two weeks post-honeymoon. I don't really remember what the quarrel was about (probably me overreacting to a miscommunication, if we're being honest) but what I do remember clearly was saying to Joel at the peak of my frustration, "I'm going into the bedroom, and don't follow me!" I proceeded to move the four steps into the "bedroom" and turned my back so I couldn't see Joel. After a few beats of silence, I could hear giggling from the other side of our apartment. Needless to say, the fight faded into fits of laughter as we both realized how silly I was. We have since moved into a marginally roomier 2 bedroom apartment just three buildings down from our first place. The thing I find so interesting is that despite how big or small our place may be, I am always so happy to walk through my door and be home. Even more so when Joel is there. We've recently started looking into buying a house, something we have been working towards since we first got married. So I've been thinking a lot about what I'm looking for in a house- a big yard, lots of space to cook in my kitchen, good floors. But mostly, I just need my man. And the lady. And a place to put our coffee pot.
This is us in our first place. Just to give you a wee visual. 

This is the best picture I could find of our second place. We had a party just a few days after we moved in...we're crazy like that. 

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