Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Reading List

I have a stack of need-to-read books that sit on my nightstand giving me the stink eye each night when I get into bed. The plight of the English teacher is the constant battle between the books I have to read because I am about to start teaching them against the books I really want to read but don't have the time. The other plight of the English teacher- constantly being asked what good books I've read lately that I could recommend. Today I give you what I am currently itching to read and hopefully will soon be able to confidently recommend.

1. Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout
This book has been on my shelf for months. Often I pass by it while reaching for another read, but my eye catches its yellow cover and I have a brief moment of contemplation. Well, pass by no longer, Olive Kitteridge is first on the list! Not only did this book win the Pulitzer Prize, but the plot centers around a retired schoolteacher. Done and done.

2. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
I realize that I am about 3 years behind when this book was a very big deal, but better late than never right? This bestseller is about a boy with autism who investigates the death of a neighborhood dog. Intriguing!

3. Absent in the Spring by Mary Westmacott
I love any novel by Agatha Christie. When my friend, Christina, lent me this book by Mary Westmacott, a penname of Agatha Christie, I nearly fainted from excitement. So what if this book is far from a mystery and the back description reads really depressing? I'm sure if Agatha has anything to do with it, I'll be a fan.

That's it, readers (all nine of you)! Stay tuned for book reviews...

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