I'm not sure how many times I hear this word a day.
Mommy, I want juice!
Mommy, watch me!
Mommy, look!
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...HI!
I am sad to admit, there are some days where Mommy is not my favorite word and I silently wish that we could replace it with Daddy. Last night was one of those nights. My daughter woke up nearly every hour, screaming MOMMY and awaiting my presence. Each time, I would stumble to her room and open the door to find the distressed face of my sweetheart. The weight of her warm body in my arms and the smell of sleep rising from her breath was the one redeeming element of the whole night. I just kept thinking, the Lord entrusted this one with me. In His sovereign will, this precious child of His was planned for me. I get to be her mother.
I have never claimed to be a natural mother. I know that my instincts are not maternal or even right majority of the time. But I also know that when I look at this little girl who so much resembles my husband and displays all of my stubbornness and fire, I feel blessed. Even when it's three in the morning.