Today Ainsley learned a new word- bear. I have been a teacher for the past seven years and rarely have I felt as much excitement over one of my students grasping something in class as I have in watching my little girl learn. She is such an observer. Watching her take in every inch of her small little world is overwhelming and so very humbling.
Joel and I were laughing this week about how little you can actually prepare for parenthood. Before Ainsley was born, we read baby books and talked to friends about their experiences with kids and thought of ourselves as ready to be parents. But truly, there is so much that no one tells you because there are no words really to describe the best and most challenging parts of being someone's parent. No one tells you that at times you will feel you've come to the end of yourself and have no human way to continue. You cannot grasp the kind of joy that comes when your child says your name or voluntarily gives you a kiss. There are not words for that maddening feeling when you know that your daughter needs to take a nap but she refuses to lay down and sleep. No where in the baby books do they tell you that soon you will be able to sing the theme song of "Martha Speaks" with your spouse and have deep conversations about why one sippy cup is better than another. Parenthood feels rewarding and helpless all at the same time. And yet, next to being married to Joel, being Ainsley's Mama is the most fun part of my life.
I can only imagine how much more fun adding a second little one to the mix will be.
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