Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Off schedule

Tonight I fell asleep at 7pm. Now it is 1:10am and I am wide awake, ready to start the day. Argh. I think because I spend so much of my brain power trying to be aware of Ainsley's schedule that I've become a schedule junky. When did this happen? Pre-baby life was so much more random and unexpected...spontaneous, even. I imagine that as Ainsley grows and I mature as a mama, that hold I have on our schedule will start to ease up and our lives will look a little less predictable again- at least I hope.
While I am here at 1:14 in the morning, I must share some pretty AWESOME news. In March, my father-in-law was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. The whole family was shaken, but held fast to the Lord's promises. For months, Psalm 119:71 ran through my mind and prayers. "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes." The whole experience pushed me deeper into the Word and challenged me in my faith. Yesterday, the doctor told my father-in-law that he is in COMPLETE remission. No cancer left. God is so merciful. My husband and I are both overwhelmed by the news.
Last night at small group, one of the girls was talking about how she doesn't want to forget the goodness of the Lord but rather to live in a place of constant gratitude. I feel so similarly this morning. Let me not forget a moment of your grace, Lord.
Now, I need to try and sleep some more.

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