Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wish List...

I've become quite the blog reader. Last night I was sitting at the U2 concert (pause for contented sigh) and the group I was sitting with was talking about all of the rubbish to be found on blogs. I was sitting there quietly cringing and waiting for the conversation to be done. I love reading blogs. Checking my google reader account in the morning with a full cup of coffee by my side is a highlight of my day. I love to read my girlfriend's blogs to catch up on what is happening with their fabulous lives. I scour Joy the Baker to find new recipes for dinner. I unabashedly oooh and aaah over the clever outfits in Kendi Everyday. I delight in these daily reads. I am proud to say that I finally mustered the courage to defend my stance saying, "the blogs I read are quite insightful." Take that.

One thing I love in many of the blogs I read are the wish lists. As a newly married woman, shopping is not high on the budget priority list. I am learning to be creative in my outfit choices and thrifty with the grocery bill. BUT, I so enjoy finding new fun things that if I had all of the money in the world I would purchase for my home or would give away to someone I love. Today I present to you my very first wish list...

1. Rumpel Street Boutique is a wonderful Etsy shop that sells personalized signs for your family. I love that each one is custom made with whatever words you deem fit to describe your family's history. A good friend showed my this site and I am so excited to save my pennies and buy one for the Smiths!

2. This dress is the perfect summer festival dress. Strap on some espadrilles and the outfit would be complete. I love the relaxed and slightly patriotic feel to it.

3. Yes, I shop at Target. Yes, I shop at Target so often that I think I could navigate one with a blindfold on my face. Yes, I heart Target. These shoes are perfect teacher shoes- easy to stand in for a significant period of time and spicy enough to demolish all of those jean jumper teacher stereotypes.
4. To conclude my wish list, I don't normally like to decorate in red, but I saw this rug in a CB2 catalogue at my mother-in-laws house and kept imagining how it would look in my house. 

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