Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sweet Home Milwaukee

Yesterday and today were spent in the town that won my heart- Milwaukee, WI. Yes, Ainsley and I traveled back to my hometown for a quick hello to the family. If you've never experienced Milwaukee, get over the stereotypes and preconceived notions you might currently have, get in the car, and GO! Milwaukee has all of the appeal of Chicago but with a little charm added in to the mix. I could go on and on, but instead I'll regail you with the top 5 from my brief Milwaukee vacation.

5. Getting my hair colored (a slightly vain way to start this top 5). My hair is now much darker and MUCH healthier thanks to my vastly talented sister. But more than the hair help, I love that getting my hair done provides a lot of time to chat with my sis. A BIG highlight from the trip.
4. Eating desserts from Metro Market and watching Lincoln Lawyer with my mom and sis- lemon creme cake and court room drama is a winning combo.
3. Playing games with my sister, sister-in-law, and mom. I should really say losing games.  Even losing is fun with these women.
2. Wonderful conversation this morning with my parents over gyro omelettes and oatmeal. If you care, Ainsley snacked on bananas.
1. Meeting many of the women in my family for coffee EARLY yesterday morning. I am blessed to be related to a wise, witty, wonderful group of ladies (how's that for alliteration, English class?) and I love any chance there is just to sit and enjoy some coffee with them.

I officially go back to school for meetings tomorrow with the first day of school just two weeks away. Glad I'm getting as much out of this summer as I can!

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